



I have multiple pages that have this pattern.

    <iframe frameborder ="0" src="[someURL]" width="100%" height="900">

I want to factor out everything but the URL into a master page so i tried this:

Master Page:

    <iframe frameborder ="0" src=<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="Url" runat="server" /> width="100%" height="900">

Child Page:

 <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="Url" runat="server">

but it doesn't seem to work. I get this error:

Cannot find ContentPlaceHolder 'Url' in the master page

Any suggestions if i have some syntax error above

+1  A: 

It sounds like you want to re-use a snippet such that the View can dictate what the URL of the iFrame is, and the Master holds the actual iFrame.

Consider this potential solution:

The URL is put into ViewData from the Controller. Convention is that Views are dumb. So you could put this iFrame into your Master:

<iframe frameborder ="0" src="<%=ViewData["yourURL"] %>" width="100%" height="900"></iframe>

This requires that your Controller knows, or can find, the URL for the View that's being requested. You could hard-code this right in your Controller method, or pull it from the web.config.

@p.campbell - actually just stuck the URL in my viewmodel and now only have a single view.
+1  A: 


I don't think that will work very well... Could you pass along a URL into ViewData within the controller instead, and inject that? Or create some component that pulls the correct value from a backend source based on the current URL, or something?



There are better ways of getting your source into the element but if you need to stick with the implementation you are using you can do this...

<iframe frameborder ="0" src="<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="UrlContent" runat="server" />" width="100%" height="900">

Notice that I have quotes before and after the content placeholder. Then you can just have content that looks like this...

<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="UrlContent" runat="server">

Intelisense will not like what you are trying to do but it will work.

Steve Hook