Something very strange is happening in my program:
I make this query agt.DefaultNr == 1 on a collection and get 3 items as Result:
IEnumerable<Agent> favAgents =
from agt in builtAgents where agt.DefaultNr == 1 select agt;
For every item I set the DefaultNr = 0
foreach (Agent noFavAgt in favAgents)
noFavAgt.DefaultNr = 0;
I do another query but for some reason my favAgents collection is empty now!
IEnumerable<Agent> smallAgents = (from agt in favAgents
where agt.tempResultCount < 30
orderby agt.tempResultCount descending
select agt);
What is going on here?
Is this a LINQ lazy loading problem?
Looks like there will be some kind of re-query after I set all items = 0 because I my collection is empty!