




Hi, i have this expression ([a-zA-Z]|ñ|Ñ)* which i want to use to block all characters but letters and Ñ to be entered on a textbox. The problem is that return a match for: A9023 but also for 32""". How can i do to return a match for A9023 but not for 32""". Thanks.


Sure that you don't mean ^([a-zA-Z]|ñ|Ñ)*$ -- you might be finding the characters you want but not excluding what you don't? The expression I mentioned will pin to the beginning ^ and the end $ of the string, so that nothing else will pass. Otherwise:


...will pass your match, because it found 0-or-more letters... though there were also other letters.

+4  A: 

You need to add assertions for the start and the end of the string:


Otherwise the regular expression matches at any position. Additionally, you can also write ([a-zA-Z]|ñ|Ñ)* as the character class [a-zA-ZñÑ]*:

also, Expresso is a great tool for testing regex... http://www.ultrapico.com/Expresso.htm

You didn't say which regex flavor (which programming language) you're using, but you might want to consider either


if your regex flavor supports Unicode properties or


if it doesn't.

Reason: Your regex will allow only unaccented letters and Ñ - is there a real language that uses the latter without also having accented letters?

\p{L} means "any letter in any 'language'",

[^\W\d_] means "any character that is neither a non-alphanumeric, a digit or an underscore", which is just a fancy but necessary way to say "any letter" (\w is a shorthand for "letter, digit or underscore", \W is the inverse of that).

Tim Pietzcker