



Normally I use SQLite databases to store data for an application on a per-user basis: I include a blank version of the database in my app and copy it to the user's app data directory on first run, and that's where I keep all their personal data related to the app.

Is it possible to do the same thing with SQL Server Compact edition? I thought I might give that DB a go to see if the Visual Studio support is better.

I can see how to add a SSCE database to my project, but I assume that means it'll be a single version of the DB for all users -- not what I want. Is it possible to create a per-user copy of the database?

Edit: I just noticed that it's not possible to create LINQ-to-SQL classes using the designer in Visual Studio 2008 using SSCE anyway, which is pretty much the whole reason I was considering SSCE. Am I missing something?

Edit2: So I can use SQLMetal to generate the DBML and classes -- that'll do the job though I would've preferred using the designer.