
Well, you can call play() on the video object when it is shown.


R. Hill
That seems to get me closer. The link you sent gives the syntax media.play() which I have tried a few ways in my button that calls the div. <span style="cursor:pointer" onClick="show('hide1')" M_hide1.play() ><img src="images/Posters/movie1dotjpeg"></span> I have also tried play('M_hide1') and play="M_hide1"'M_hide1' is the video tag's id which is nested inside the hidden div to be made visible by said button.
You need to call play on the video object itself. But given your answer above, it appears you don't have an embedded video tag in there. Do you?If you do, get a reference on the video object, then call play() on it. Otherwise, you will have to dynamically create the video tag, attach it to your page.
R. Hill
<video id="M_hide1" width="580" height="326" controls preload="none" play('M_hide1')>nor <video id="M_hide1" width="580" height="326" controls preload="none" play()>do anything. I just get a "loading..." prompt on the controls bar. I can hit play and it plays fine.
I see. In your show() function, which is called by your span.onclick(), you could add play()/pause() depending on whether the video is shown, hidden: document.getElementById('M_hide1').play() or document.getElementById('M_hide1').pause() depending on whether the video is shown or hidden.
R. Hill
That really seems to be the way to go. Of course, now somebody has suggested I make each movie select-button set a variable that equals the needed movie's path and that variable value is used as the source in the video element. Of course, I don't know syntax but that sounds like a different post altogether. Thank you very much mate. I will implement what you suggested.

There's a known bug in Webkit that causes videos to buffer automatically, even if autobuffer is not set. It is currently fixed in the Safari nightlies (and may be fixed in Chrome, not really sure).

What you can do to negate this is to create a "default" state for your player. Do not physically create the <video> element until you want to begin buffering the video file. For instance, you might have a screen capture from the video with a play button (some simple images and css). On click, the images would be replaced using JS with the <video> element.

Hope this helps!

Good proposal. It would solve one problem except that the movie does not automatically start to play. I need to avoid the client having to click play. Is this a dumb imperative? Yeah, it is. But it seems so simple to the client and I myself would love to see this work as well. The play() function seems to be the ticket and do what I need done. I just need syntax.