Ok, I've tried to read up on this but I'm stumped. Unfortunately it's a case of me not understanding javascript properly.
When processing a form with jqueries validation plugin, you send the variables to the php mailer using literal notation:
submitHandler: function() {
age : $("#form-age-id").val(),
email : $("#form-email-id").val(),
name : $("#form-name-i").val(),
Which I understand. the variable age is being assigned the value from the element. When I have multiple checkboxes though, I can't use:
as it will only select the first matched element, so i need to iterate over the multiple checkboxes using a function similar to
var allVals = [];
$('input.orthodontic-medical-form-disease:checked').each(function() {
return allVals;
What I don't understand is how I assign the return value to the literal. I've tried
submitHandler: function() {
age : $("#form-age-id").val(),
email : $("#form-email-id").val(),
name : $("#form-name-i").val(),
checkboxes : function(){
var allVals = [];
$('input.orthodontic-medical-form-disease:checked').each(function() {
return allVals;
But I'm guessing that's assigning the actual function itself to the variable, not the returned value. Could someone help me please?