




Hi all

I know this has been asked many times but its been more for MVC1. I don't know if it matters all that much if its a MVC1 or a MVC2 book. But what I am looking for is a good book to get me started on asp.net MVC2 and a other book to read after for further reading. Now if these two books could be warped up into the that would be great.

I am aiming to learn enough so I can show some people in our team it. In the hope of it been a new way of working.

thanks Antony

+1  A: 

Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework, Second Edition

+2  A: 

Steve Sanderson's Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 book is what you want http://blog.stevensanderson.com/category/pro-aspnet-mvc/

John Nolan
Agreed - I've read both versions and I view them as essential for anybody developing ASP.NET MVC applications professionally.
David Neale