


+1  Q: 

Testing PHP code

Possible Duplicate:
In need for a site that explains how to use PHPUnit

Hi guys.

I want to have a better testing procedure when I develop my applications in PHP.

At the moment I map out all the possible actions/pages in my applications and test them all out everytime I make changes - that is in a perfect world. Often Time issues prevents me for test everything everywhere and bugs do happen. Of course they will always happen but I would like to reduce the amount of bugs.

I'm still trying to understand how unit testing works. The tutorials I found was more like intermediate/expert guides

  • Do you have some links to newbie tutorials for Unit testing?
  • How do you setup a effective testing procedure?
+1  A: 

Use SimpleTest (Unit Testing for PHP)

+3  A: 

I've had good results with PHPUnit and the getting started information (directly available on the home page) should guide you through things nicely.

+1 because PHPUnit is the de-facto standard for UnitTests in PHP

You could use Selenium to browse your website automatically. It supports assertions so that you can create tests and notice when something is broken.
