I'm creating a html-layout based on an existing layout. I want to extract all the files, that are currently actually being used, from the old layout, since there is a lot of crap in the directories that's been there from the ancient times or something.
So I tried to open the existing layout in Firefox and use Firebug to see which files are actually loaded, but the Network tab stays empty, so that's not very helpful.
I already found this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2908576/firebugs-net-tab-is-not-showing-anything and I got pretty much the same problem, whereas the accepted answer doesn't work for me.
I think the problem here is that I'm not making any http-request, I'm just viewing html-files from my local machine, so the the url is something like
There is only one entry displayed in the Firebug Network tab:
Url | Status | Domain | Size | Timeline ------------------------------------------ - | | | 0KB |
This might as well be intentional since I'm not accesseing any files accross the network. So is there any other way to view which files are referenced and which files the browser tries to access?