Hi All,
I have added this thread in order to get good hands in OOPs. I want to get depth knowledge in OOPS. Please share your knowledge and also give references for the same.. Lets starts to explore OOPs Concepts.
Hi All,
I have added this thread in order to get good hands in OOPs. I want to get depth knowledge in OOPS. Please share your knowledge and also give references for the same.. Lets starts to explore OOPs Concepts.
here is some short answers for OOPS concepts.
In OOPs concept is implimented in our real life systems.
OOPs have following features
1. Object - Instance of class
2. Class - Blue print of Object
3. encapsulation - Protecting our data
4. polymorphism - Different behaviors at diff. instances
5. abstraction - Hidding our irrelavance data
6. inheritence - one property of object is aquring to
another property of object
7.Message Passing:message passing is possible from one
object to another
8.Robust and Secure: every object is strong one.
every object is secure one with their access specifiers.