i am trying to invoke blackberry map and label a location by address. i tried the sample code as following
public class invokeMaps
public invokeMaps ()
Landmark[] landMarks = new Landmark[3];
AddressInfo addressInfo = new AddressInfo();
addressInfo.setField(AddressInfo.STREET, "455 Phillip St");
addressInfo.setField(AddressInfo.CITY, "Waterloo");
addressInfo.setField(AddressInfo.STATE, "Ontario");
landMarks[0] = new Landmark("AAA", "Description 1", null, addressInfo);
QualifiedCoordinates coordinates =
new QualifiedCoordinates(45.4, -75.1, 0, 0, 0);
landMarks[1] = new Landmark("BBB", "Description 2", coordinates, null);
coordinates = new QualifiedCoordinates(45.3,-75.3,0,0,0);
landMarks[2] = new Landmark("CCC", "Description 3", coordinates, null);
MapsArguments ma = new MapsArguments(landMarks);
Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_MAPS, ma);
it only labels BBB and CCC, AAA is missing. i think that is because of AAA missing coordinates. my question is how can i retrive the coordinates for a location if i only have the address.