So something that has been nagging on me both through observations of this website and through my current employer...
Why on earth do engineers obfuscate their code? Is it truly that hard to perform well enough to keep a job?
The only benefits I have noticed from it are... none. Whereas I have countless emails from QA staff to dev's asking "What the heck is this code trying to do" so basically in an attempt to secure your job by presenting a facade of computer savvy you are in fact creating more work, losing your company more money and in actuality becoming a less useful employee...
One man crusade to stop unecessary obfuscation right here :)
These are just my observations - if someone could point me towards a source of information to the exact benefits of it I would be quite happy.
i.e. Does the compiler look at something thats been rendered down to its basest symbolic form any differently than taking the time to actually write "if"? Are there performance benefits? Do they outweigh the problems caused by difficult to read and manage code?
Im just wondering if I am missing out on something important here :)