



I have a basic viewmodel list in VB:

 Transaction Status (Blackbox)
    Public Property TStatus() As IEnumerable(Of SelectListItem)

            Return t_status
        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As IEnumerable(Of SelectListItem))
            t_status = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Sub New()
        Dim MyList As New List(Of SelectListItem)
        MyList.Add(New SelectListItem With {.Value = "0", .Text = "-ALL-"})
        MyList.Add(New SelectListItem With {.Value = "1", .Text = "Unprocessed"})
        MyList.Add(New SelectListItem With {.Value = "3", .Text = "Processed"})
        MyList.Add(New SelectListItem With {.Value = "2", .Text = "Rejected (Blackbox)"})
        MyList.Add(New SelectListItem With {.Value = "4", .Text = "Rejected (Compass)"})
        MyList.Add(New SelectListItem With {.Value = "5", .Text = "CAN (Cancelled)"})
        MyList.Add(New SelectListItem With {.Value = "6", .Text = "CHG (Changed)"})
    End Sub

Which I then basically want to pull through my controller to then expose to my view. In other instances of pulling dynamic data, I simply do something like:

Dim AccTypeList = (From m In _DB.LibAcctType Select m).ToList()

And then pass it to my view, but in the case where my list is static, can I use a similar method or is there a recommended way of pulling the "SelecteListItem" details through my controller.