



I've been updating my user test server and now suddenly I got an error every time I invoke rake with anything database-related.

Sample error:

rake db:drop RAILS_ENV='production' --trace

rake aborted!
undefined method `[]' for false:FalseClass

Here's line 96 of that databases.rake:

config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[RAILS_ENV || 'development']

So it seems that Base.configurations is ´false´ instead of being an array.

I've been fighting this for a couple hours now but I could not find anything on my source.

Google didn't provide any useful hints.

Could anyone point out any obvious reasons why this member is false?


I'm going to accept my own question since Karl seems to be unavailable, and this lowers my acceptance rate.

The problem was that my database.yml was missing.

Karl, if you answer this question, I'll give the answer to you.
