If I understand your question correctly may be this example will be of some help:
Let's say the model is;
public class Customer{
public string Name;
public string Phone;
public string Email;
The UpdateModel has the following signature :
UpdateModel(ModelInstance, string[] whiteList)
where the instance is your instance of the model and the whiteList is which properties to be updated on the model with the values posted to the controller action.
So if you, for example, have the following piece of code:
UpdateMode(myCustomerInstance, new string[] {"Name", "Phone"})
This will update the myCustomerInstance object with the posted values of Name and Phone, ignoring the posted Email value. So, for every property post-ed to the controller action it will use reflection to check if the model that is being updated contains a property with such a name. If it does, this property will be updated with the post-ed value.
It might be also helpful to take a look at TryUpdateModel as it will swallow any exceptions and just return bool indicating whether the operation was successful
Hope that clarifies what is going on a bit.