




I have no idea what this error is about, the deadline for that application is tomorrow. I have no idea what is it about but it is refusing to compile. It is a giant project with over 150 source files and with about 20 3rd party dependencies.

Internal error occurred while creating dependency graph: -[PBXTargetBuildContext ]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

I would really appreciate any help. This is freaking me out as it worked perfectly fine. XCode has activated its "break in the last second mode". It is a hidden feature designed to drive developers mad.

XCode uses advanced heuristic algorithm to determine how important that project is. If it is important the following code executes:

- (void) goNuts
    [popups displayAllPossiblePopups];
    [build failWithError:[error someRandomIrrelevantError]];

And yes, I have rebooted my Mac. I am running XCode 3.2.2 but I don't think that matters as I haven't updated anything else because I always cancel those irritating update pop-ups. I wish there would be an "i don't give a crap" mode which would disable all pop-up windows.

I am frustrated

Here is a picture I drew to symbolize my frustration


@Koning Baard : Thanks you've saved my life. I was literally ripping my own hair out because of that. The person who changed that and then committed the change better have an explanation for it.

Yeah ...

that picture is a joke by the way

+2  A: 

http://www.ipodtouchfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=290034 :

My Works very nice but when I change my TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY from iphone to ipad I got this erros: Internal error occurred while creating dependency graph: -[PBXTargetBuildContext ]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x200f16140

Any one know why ? I cannot buld a iPad App ? Thanks

Try changing TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY to iPhone, if it is iPad. Maybe that will work.

Also, try building it from the command line:

$ xcodebuild -project MyAwesomeProjectThatMakesXcodeSuckAndMakesMeVeryFrustrated.xcodeproj -alltargets

(does SO's syntax highlighter really see MyAwesomeProjectThatMakesXcodeSuckAndMakesMeVeryFrustrated as a symbol?????!??!?!//?/?)

If that also sucks, try creating a brand new Xcode project, import all resources, files and source code and recreate all targets, etc...

Time Machine
If that also sucks, try creating a brand new Xcode project - heh, it would take me a week O.o
Nick Brooks