As long as your ImageSource is a BitmapImage you could use the BitmapImage.DownloadCompleted event. The only problem I have found so far is that it only works from C#, so you would lose some flexibility. I'm guessing you could access that event from XAML, but I'm not sure how. The following sample starts loading the image with the click of a button, and updates a label when the image finished loading.
<RowDefinition Height="50" />
<RowDefinition Height="50" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<Image x:Name="image" Grid.Row="2"/>
<Label x:Name="label" Content="aaa" Grid.Row="1" />
<Button Click="Button_Click" Content="Click to load image" Grid.Row="0" />
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();
bi.DecodePixelHeight = 100;
bi.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
bi.UriSource = new Uri("bigImageUri");
bi.DownloadCompleted += new EventHandler(bi_DownloadCompleted);
image.Source = bi;
void bi_DownloadCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
label.Content = "dl completed";
Hope it helps!