Hi there,
I developed a system that consists of software and hardware interaction. Basically its a transaction system where the transaction details are encrypted on a PCI device then returned back to my web based system where it is stored in a DB then displayed using javascript/extjs in the browser. How I do this now is the following:
Transaction encoding process
1.The user selects a transaction from a grid and presses "encode" button,extjs/js then sends the string to PHP where it is formatted and inserted into requests[incoming_request]. At this stage I start a extjs taskmanager to do interval checks on the requests[response] column for a result, and I display a "please wait..." message.
2.I have created a python daemon service that monitors the requests table for any transactions to encode.The python daemon then picks up any requests[incoming_request] then encodes the request and stores the result in requests[response] table.
3.The extjs taskmanager then picks up the requests[response] for the transaction and displays it to the user and then removes the "please wait..." message and terminates the taskmanager.
Now my question is: Is there a better way of doing this encryption process by using 3rd party Messaging and Queuing middleware systems? If so please help.
Thank You!