While trying to install a build server I've run into a funny problem where all cygwin commands can be run from a DOS box but sometimes do not work when called from make. What's even more weird is some make targets, like 'clean', work and others, like 'all', do not.
Here's a representative makefile extract. The quoting has hosed the formatting but tabs are where they should be, trust me:
.PHONY: all
all: update_autoconstants
/usr/bin/rm -f $(OBJ_DIR)/myfile1.txt
rm -f $(OBJ_DIR)/myfile2.txt
.PHONY: clean
rm -f $(OBJ_DIR)/*.*
Notice that in 'all' one rm call has a full path and one has no path. Also notice that clean's rm call has no path.
To this the response to a 'make -C makefile all' is:
/usr/bin/rm -f ../../obj/myfile1.txt
rm -f ../../obj/myfile2.txt
make: rm: Command not found
make: *** [all] Error 127
ie. the full path works, the no-path does not. What then starts my head spinning is the 'clean' target in make with no path works fine. it's not just cygwin commands, make can't find the compiler either. It seems pretty clear that somewhere the path has been hosed, although the environment variable PATH is set, but only in make - this works fine from a DOS prompt.
C:\>cygpath --unix c:\programme\cygwin\bin\rm
The machine is running Windows Server 2003 German language in a virtual machine on VMWare ESX, the cygwin install was done yesterday, installed in c:\programme\cygwin\ and everything else is clean vanilla Windows installation.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.