I have a simple row that I edit using LINQ. It has about 30 columns, including a primary key numeric sequence.
When an UPDATE is performed through LINQ, the UPDATE statement includes all the columns of the table (for concurrency checking).
I'm wondering how inefficient this is - if not negligibiel. Since there is an index on the primary key I assume that column is being used for the initial row search and then the other fields are being checked in addition. I wouldn't have thought this would take more than a negligible amount of time.
The reason I ask is that I've seen this UPDATE take over a second in some cases, which just doesnt seem right. There may be other long running operations things going on but it made me curious as to whether or not I should be worried.
I know I can set 'UpdateCheck' to never for all the other fields, but this is a pain.
Is there a way to turn off 'Update Check' for a single SubmitChanges(), or do I have to do it by changing 'UpdateCheck' for every field.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Here is the SQL update :
exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE [dbo].[SiteVisit]
SET [TotalTimeOnSite] = @p12, [ContentActivatedTime] = @p13
WHERE ([SiteVisitId] = @p0) AND ([SiteUserId] IS NULL) AND ([ClientGUID] = @p1) AND ([ServerGUID] IS NULL) AND ([UserGUID] = @p2) AND ([SiteId] = @p3) AND ([EntryURL] = @p4) AND ([CampaignId] = @p5) AND ([Date] = @p6) AND ([Cookie] IS NULL) AND ([UserAgent] = @p7) AND ([Platform] IS NULL) AND ([Referer] = @p8) AND ([KnownRefererId] = @p9) AND ([FlashVersion] IS NULL) AND ([SiteURL] IS NULL) AND ([Email] IS NULL) AND ([FlexSWZVersion] IS NULL) AND ([HostAddress] IS NULL) AND ([HostName] IS NULL) AND ([InitialStageSize] IS NULL) AND ([OrderId] IS NULL) AND ([ScreenResolution] IS NULL) AND ([TotalTimeOnSite] IS NULL) AND ([CumulativeVisitCount] = @p10) AND ([ContentActivatedTime] IS NULL) AND ([ContentCompleteTime] IS NULL) AND ([MasterVersion] = @p11) AND ([VisitedHome] IS NULL) AND ([VisitedStore] IS NULL) AND ([VisitedVideoDemos] IS NULL) AND ([VisitedProducts] IS NULL) AND ([VisitedAdvantages] IS NULL) AND ([VisitedGallery] IS NULL) AND ([VisitedTestimonials] IS NULL) AND ([VisitedEvolution] IS NULL) AND ([VisitedFAQ] IS NULL)',N'@p0 int,@p1 uniqueidentifier,@p2 uniqueidentifier,@p3 int,@p4 varchar(46),@p5 varchar(3),@p6 datetime,@p7 varchar(164),@p8 varchar(36),@p9 int,@p10 int,@p11 int,@p12 int,@p13 int',@p0=1009772,@p1='039A0614-31EE-4DD9-9E1A-8A0F947E1719',@p2='C83C0E68-142A-47CB-B7F9-BAF462E79429',@p3=1,@p4='http://www.example.com/default.aspx?c=183',@p5='183',@p6='2008-11-30 18:22:59:047',@p7='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; SIMBAR={85B62341-3F6B-4645-A473-53A2D2BB66DC}; FunWebProducts; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)',@p8='http://apps.facebook.com/inthemafia/',@p9=1,@p10=1,@p11=30,@p12=6,@p13=6