



I'm programming a search on a model and I have a problem.

My model is almost like:

class Serials(models.Model):
    id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
    code = models.CharField("Code", max_length=50)
    name = models.CharField("Name", max_length=2000)

and I have in the database tuples like these:

1   BOSTON   The new Boston
2   NYT      New York journal
3   NEWTON   The old journal of Mass
4   ANEWVIEW The view of the young people

If I search for the string new, what I want to have is:

  • first the "names" that start with the string
  • then the "codes" that start with the string
  • then the "names" that contain the string
  • then the "codes" that contain the string

So the previous list should appear in the following way:

2   NYT      New York journal
3   NEWTON   The old journal of Mass
1   BOSTON   The new Boston
4   ANEWVIEW The view of the young people

The only way I found to have this kind of result is to make different searches (if I put "OR" in a single search, I loose the order I want).

My problem is that the code of the template that shows the result is really redundant and honestly very ugly, because I have to repeat the same code for all the 4 different querysets. And the worse thing is that I cannot use the pagination!

Now, since the structure of the different querysets is the same, I'm wandering if there is a way to join the 4 querysets and give the template only one queryset.


You can make those four queries and then chain them inside your program:

result = itertools.chain(qs1, qs2, qs3, qs4)

but this doesn't seem to nice because your have to make for queries.

You can also write your own sql using raw sql, for example:


Also look at this:

the itertools don't work with the paginator...
Giovanni Di Milia
the other solution is perfect!
Giovanni Di Milia