



Is it possible to determine if code is currently executing in the context of a finally handler as a result of an exception being thrown? I'm rather fond of using the IDisposable pattern to implement entry/exit scoping functionality, but one concern with this pattern is that you might not necessarily want the end-of-scope behavior to occur if an exception occurs in the body of the using. I'd be looking for something like this:

public static class MyClass
    public static void MyMethod()
        using (var scope = MyScopedBehavior.Begin())
            //Do stuff with scope here

public sealed class MyScopedBehavior : IDisposable
    private MyScopedBehavior()
        //Start of scope behavior

    public void Dispose()
        //I only want to execute the following if we're not unwinding through finally due to an exception:
        //...End of scope behavior    

    public static MyScopedBehavior Begin()
        return new MyScopedBehavior();

There are other ways I can accomplish this (pass a delegate to a function that surrounds the call with particular behavior), but I'm curious if it's possible to do it using the IDisposable pattern.

Actually, this has apparently been asked and answered before here. It's possible to detect in a very hackish sort of way. I wouldn't actually use that technique, but it's interesting to know that it's possible.

Hamish Grubijan
What I'm really after here is the clarity of the 'using' syntax as a way to express the intention of the code. For the case I'm describing, I wouldn't actually need the try/finally at all if writing it out manually, but the 'using' construct imposes the finally. I'm mainly curious about how far I can make the construct bend.
Dan Bryant
Good luck, it better be readable at the end. Please post a complete working code sample once you do have it.
Hamish Grubijan
@Hamish You have missed Dan's point, but provided a quite hilarious sample. Made me smile anyway. :)
+9  A: 

The means of accomplishing this that I've seen require an extra method:

public static void MyMethod()
    using (var scope = MyScopedBehavior.Begin())
        //Do stuff with scope here
        scope.Complete(); // Tells the scope that it's good

By doing this, your scope object can track whether it's disposing because of an error, or a successful operation. This is the approach taken by TransactionScope, for example (see TransactionScope.Complete).

Reed Copsey
Yeah, I think I like yours (optimistic) better than mine (pessimistic).
Brian Genisio
@Brian: Both work, but this requires less code by the user of your class :)
Reed Copsey
This is pretty clean and it's more explicit that something different will happen if you don't reach the Complete. I prefer this style to the 'trick' I'm asking for, but I'm definitely still curious if it's technically possible.
Dan Bryant
@Dan: This has become the standard way of handling factored types in .NET, as far as I can tell (ie: it's used in the BCL). I don't know of a better way to handle this, as Dispose() isn't given any information about the current exception state.
Reed Copsey
+3  A: 

The best I can come up with would be:

using (var scope = MyScopedBehavior.Begin())
    //Do stuff with scope here

Of course, scope.Cancel() would make sure nothing happens in Dispose()

Brian Genisio
I personally like the "Complete" approach taken by TransactionScope more than a Cancel() approach. It doesn't require you to write a try/catch to work. (See my answer for details...)
Reed Copsey
@Reed Copsey: Ha! Yeah, I think we wrote our answers, and then responded to each other at the same time. I agree. Yours is better. Not pulling mine down, just to show another approach.
Brian Genisio
One advantage to scope.Cancel() would be that it could take an Exception argument and then make it available as an inner exception if the dispose/cleanup fails. For example, if a transaction cleanup fails, it may be reasonable for that to throw an exception that's "more severe" than the exception which started the chain of events, but it would be annoying to lose altogether the stack trace and other information related to the original exception.

Why not simply dispose from inside a try { } block at the very end, and not use a finally at all? This seems to be the behavior you're looking for.

This also seems more realistic in terms of how others might use your class. Are you sure that everybody who ever uses it will never want to dispose in the case of an exception? Or should this behavior be handled by the consumer of the class?

The Dispose in this case is not really a Dispose in the sense of disposing resources, but rather a syntactic trick to add begin/end code around a particular block of code via the 'using' construct. See the TransactionScope that Reed Copsey mentioned for an example of the pattern.
Dan Bryant
+5  A: 

As a side point, IL allows you to specify SEH fault blocks that are similar to finally but are entered only when an exception is thrown - you can see an example here, about 2/3rds down the page. Unfortunately, C# doesn't expose this functionality.

+1 for being very interesting - do you know of any languages that expose this for the CLR? It'd be interesting to use that for constructing factored types (or even, potentially, a base class that could expose this to C#!)
Reed Copsey
Not that I know of. VB.NET exposes `filter` (also mentioned in the post), but C# doesn't. It's times like this that I wish I could extend the C# compiler to add this little bit of extra syntax :/
Unfortunately, even if C# did expose this behavior, it wouldn't solve the OP's problem :(
Reed Copsey
+2  A: 

The following pattern avoids the problem with API misuse i.e. a scope completion method not being called i.e. omitted completely, or not being called because of a logical condition. I think this answers your question more closely and is even less code for the API user.


Even more straightforward after Dan's comment:

public class Bling
    public static void DoBling()
        MyScopedBehavior.Begin(() =>
            //Do something.
        }) ;

public static class MyScopedBehavior
    public static void Begin(Action action)

            //Do additonal scoped stuff as there is no exception.
        catch (Exception ex)
            //Clean up...
If going down the route of using a delegate to scope the behavior, I forgo the IDisposable entirely and create a static method `MyScope.With(Action<MyScope> action)` and then call it like `MyScope.With(myScope => { ...delegate contents...})`
Dan Bryant
@Dan That might be a better solution given the API misuse issues.
+1  A: 

I was looking for something similar for unit testing - I have a helper class I use to clean up objects after a test run and I want to keep the nice, clean 'using' syntax. I also wanted the option of not cleanup up if the test failed. What I came up with is to call Marshal.GetExceptionCode(). I don't know if this is appropriate for all cases, but for test code it seems to work fine.

My main use case was also for unit testing; I wanted to validate certain scope exit conditions via Asserts, but I wanted to skip the validation if an AssertionException had already been thrown (so as not to suppress it.)
Dan Bryant