I'm downloading a list of files using tcl's http package and was wondering what the best way to handle interruptions are. Right now the outline to my download procedure looks like this:
proc downloadFiles {url_list folder_location} {
foreach {i} $url_list {
regsub {.*/(.*)$} $i {\1} $name
set out [open $folder_location/$name w+] //not worried about errors here
if {[catch {set token [http::geturl $i -channel $out]}]} {
puts "Could not download $i"
} else {
http::cleanup $token
puts "Downloaded $i"
close $out
The line I'm having problems is the catch statement:
catch {set token [http::geturl $i -channel $out]}
Apparently despite me cutting off my internet and stopping a download half way the catch statement still returns a 0 for errors. Is there someway to catch this?