



I have a number of objects which are associated together, and I'd like to layout some dashboards to show them off. For the sake of argument:

  • Publishing House - has many books
  • Book - has one author and is from one, and goes through many states
  • Publishing House Author - Wrote many books

I'd like to get a dashboard that said:

  • How many books a publishing house put out this month?
  • How many books an author wrote this month?
  • What state (in progress, published) each of the books are in?

To start with, I'm thinking some very simple code:

@all_books = Books.find(:all, :joins => [:author, :publishing_house], :select => "books.*,,", :conditions => ["books.created_at > ?", @date])

Then I proceed to go through each of the sub elements I want and total them up into new arrays - like:

@ph_stats = {} {|book| @ph_stats[book.publishing_house_id] = (@ph_stats[book.publishing_house_id] || 0) + 1 }

This doesn't feel very rails like - thoughts?

+1  A: 

I think your best bet is to chain named scopes together so you can do things like:

@books = Books.published.this_month

+1  A: 

You should really be thinking of the SQL required to write such a query, as such, the following queries should work in all databases:

Number of books by publishing house

PublishingHouse.all(:joins => :book, :select => "books.publishing_house_id,, count(*) as total", :group => "1,2")

Number of books an author wrote this month

If you are going to move this into a scope - you WILL need to put this in a lambda

Author.all(:joins => :books, :select => "books.author_id,, count(*) as total", :group => "1,2", :conditions => ["books.pub_date between ? and ?",,])

this is due to the use of, alternatively - you could use now()::date (postgres specific) and construct dates based on that.

Books of a particular state

Not quite sure this is right wrt your datamodel

Book.all(:joins => :state, :select => ", count(*) as total", :group => "1")

All done through the magic of SQL.

Omar Qureshi
The problem is that this results in what may be three decently size sql queries. I guess the question is, is it better to do three queries like this, or pull every possible data point into an array (with :includes) and then parse it later?
Custom SQL to do exactly what you want is probably better I reckon - If you are afraid of running the query multiple times its probably better to cache the data in a column on the relevant table, and use either a trigger or callback to increment / decrement.
Omar Qureshi