In Delphi, IUnknown
is declared as:
function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
Note: The output parameter is untyped
In my TInterfacedObject
descendant i need to handle QueryInterface
, so i can return an object that supports the requested interface:
function TFoo.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
if IsEqualGUID(IID, IFooBar) then
Obj := (TFooBar.Create(Self) as IFooBar);
Result := S_OK;
Result := inherited QueryInterface(IID, {out}Obj);
The problem comes on the line:
Obj := (TFooBar.Create(Self) as IFooBar);
Delphi complains:
Operator not applicable to this operand type
Obviously i don't know how or what to assign to an untyped out
parameter. i can randomly try things, in hopes that the compiler will stop complaining:
Obj := TFooBar.Create(Self);
Obj := Pointer(TFooBar.Create(Self));
Obj := Pointer(TFooBar.Create(Self) as IFooBar);
Ignoring all the code i've written (if required): how do i implement QueryInterface
in an object descendant from TInterfacedObject
The real problem i've been trying to solve can be boiled down to i want to:
i want to override methods in an interface
In the same way:
TList = class(TObject)
function GetItem(Index: Integer): Pointer;
procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: Pointer);
property Items[Index: Integer]: Pointer read GetItem write SetItem;
can be overridden in a descendant class:
TStudentList = class(TList)
function GetItem(Index: Integer): TStudent;
procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TStudent);
property Items[Index: Integer]: TStudent read GetItem write SetItem;
i want to so the same with interfaces:
IFoo = interface(IUnknown)
function GetItem(Index: Variant): Variant;
procedure SetItem(Index: Variant; Value: Variant);
property Items[Index: Variant]: Variant read GetItem write SetItem;
IFooGuidString = interface(IFoo)
function GetItem(Index: TGUID): string ;
procedure SetItem(Index: TGUID; Value: string );
property Items[Index: TGUID]: string read GetItem write SetItem;
Problem is that how i have to begin loading up my implementing object with:
TFoo = class(TInterfacedObject, IFoo, IFooGuidString)
function IFoo.GetItem = FooGetItem;
procedure IFoo.SetItem = FooSetItem;
function FooGetItem(Index: Variant): Variant;
procedure FooSetItem(Index: Variant; Value: Variant);
function IFooGuidString.GetItem = FooGuidStringGetItem;
procedure IFooGuidString.SetItem = FooGuidStringSetItem;
function FooGuidStringGetItem(Index: TGUID): string ;
procedure FooGuidStringSetItem(Index: TGUID; Value: string );
And there isn't just the two methods in IFoo
, there's 6. And then if i want to add another supported interface:
IFooInt64String = interface(IFoo)
function GetItem(Index: Int64): string ;
procedure SetItem(Index: Int64; Value: string );
property Items[Index: Int64]: string read GetItem write SetItem;
TFoo = class(TInterfacedObject, IFoo, IFooGuidString)
function IFoo.GetItem = FooGetItem;
procedure IFoo.SetItem = FooSetItem;
function FooGetItem(Index: Variant): Variant;
procedure FooSetItem(Index: Variant; Value: Variant);
function IFooGuidString.GetItem = FooGuidStringGetItem;
procedure IFooGuidString.SetItem = FooGuidStringSetItem;
function FooGuidStringGetItem(Index: TGUID): string ;
procedure FooGuidStringSetItem(Index: TGUID; Value: string );
function IFooInt64String.GetItem = FooInt64StringGetItem;
procedure IFooInt64String.SetItem = FooInt64StringSetItem;
function FooInt64StringGetItem(Index: Int64): string ;
procedure FooInt64StringSetItem(Index: Int64; Value: string );
And things get really unwieldy very fast.