I'm trying to get my head around this one:
Say you have two models where:
:bar has_many :foos
And you have a url like this: http://myapp.com/24-name-of-the-bar-to-param/foos/new
On my site this page shows a lot of information about the bar which users are going to create a foo for. So, even if a user isn't logged in the user will still be able to see the info.
Currently, when the user is logged in, a form to create a new foo is on the left hand side of the web page. When the user isn't logged in it says "Please login or register"
The form explains a lot about how my app works, so I'd like to change it so that even if a user isn't logged in the form will display, and if they click submit it will take them to the login_path and then when they login, back to the path where the submitted the form.
I'm running into this problem: Currently I have a login_required method in my application controller like this:
def store_location
session[:return_to] = request.request_uri
def login_required
unless current_user || admin?
flash[:notice] = "Please log in"
redirect_to login_path and return false
This login required action is called on the create action of the foo. When I click submit on the form it takes me to http://myapp.com/foos instead of http://myapp.com/24-name-of-the-bar-to-param/foos/new
I assume this is because the login required function is called on the create action and not the new action.
Any ideas?
UPDATE as per request here is the controller code and callbacks:
before_filter :find_bar, :except => [:index, :edit, :update]
before_filter :login_required, :only => [:create]
ssl_required :edit, :update
def new
@foo = Foo.new :amount => "0.00"
@foos = Foo.find(:all, :conditions => ["bar_id = ?", @bar.id], :order => "created_at DESC").paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 10
@foos_all = Foo.find(:all, :conditions => ["hatlink_id = ?", @hatlink.id], :order => "created_at DESC")
@current_user = current_user
@topfooers = User.bar_amount(@bar, nil)
@average_foo = @bar.foos.average('amount')
def create
@foo = @current_user.foos.build params[:foo]
if (@bar.foos << @foo)
flash[:notice] = "Thank you for fooing!"
redirect_to new_bar_foo_path(@bar)
render :action => :new
def find_bar
@bar_id = params[:bar_id]
return(redirect_to(categories_path)) unless @bar_id
@bar = Bar.find(@bar_id)