I am trying to test for an exception.
I have:
def test_set_catch_status_exception(self):
mro = self.mro
NEW_STATUS = 'No such status'
I get the following error:
ERROR: test_set_catch_status_exception (__main__.TestManagementReviewGoalGetters)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test_ManagementReviewObjective.py", line 68, in test_set_catch_status_exception
File "/Users/eric/Dropbox/ManagementReview.py", line 277, in setStatus
raise ValueError('%s is not in the list of allowed statuses: %s' % (status,LIST_OF_STATUSES))
ValueError: No such status is not in the list of allowed statuses: ['Concern or Delay', 'On Track', 'Off Track/Needs Attention']