Hey guys, I am making an auto-archiver/backup sort of thing in Python(http://sourceforge.net/projects/frozendirectory/). As of now it uses an ordinary text file to store its small amount of settings(but ever growing). I was thinking of changing it to an XML file so that it would be more flexible/scalable and thus easier to work with in the long run. However, when I asked a friend he recommended that I just keep it in a python file, such as settings.py and just use 'import settings' from the file that needs the settings when needed. He claimed that it takes less space and I would only have to write code to write to the settings file as opposed to worrying about both reading and writing.
His points were convincing but made me wonder why no other large programs used the technique he is recommending.
So anyways, I just wanted to know what you guys think. Should I go with XML, .py, or something else? Thanks in advance.