



Hi guys, I'm having trouble searching for a decent Java library that provides Markov chains, and other advanced distributions (as in, statistics).

I've found on source forge, and it looks somewhat useable, but does anyone know / use a more up-to-date package? (Haven't really have a trove through this package, but one would assume a more well maintained package would be desirable).

Anyone able to make a suggestion?

+1  A: 

It is not a library per say, but it can give you some pointers:

Java-mcmc introduced some sophisticated applets illustrating:

  • Common Metropolis-Hastings algorithms
  • Coupling constructions for Markov chains

The source code for this web demo of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is available here.

Other similar projects are listed there.

+1  A: 

You can try to interface with R ( in the same way that uses Java to access the R-Language.