



Consider a BlockingQueue and a few threads waiting on poll(long, TimeUnit) (possibly also on on take()).

Now the queue is empty and it is desired to notify the waiting threads that they can stop waiting. The expected behaviour is to have either null returned or the declared InterruptedException thrown.

Object.notify() won't work for LinkedBlockingQueue as the threads are waiting on an internal lock.

Any straightforward way?

+3  A: 

The conventional way is to interrupt the threads, but this of course requires that they handle interruptions properly.

This means to catch and handle InterruptedExceptions properly around blocking methods, and to check (and act upon) the interrupted flag regularly otherwise.

There is nothing in the API or language specification that ties interruption to any specific cancellation semantics, but in practice, using interruption for anything but cancellation is fragile and difficult to sustain in larger applications. [...]

Interruption is usually the most sensible way to implement cancellation.

Says Java Concurrency in Practice in section 7.1.1. An example of handling interruption properly, from same (this is a producer thread, not a consumer, but that difference is negligible in the current context):

class PrimeProducer extends Thread {
    private final BlockingQueue<BigInteger> queue;

    PrimeProducer(BlockingQueue<BigInteger> queue) {
        this.queue = queue;

    public void run() {
        try {
            BigInteger p = BigInteger.ONE;
            while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                queue.put(p = p.nextProbablePrime());
        } catch (InterruptedException consumed) {
            /*  Allow thread to exit  */
    public void cancel() { interrupt(); }

An alternative solution would be to set the timeout parameter of poll reasonably low, so that the thread wakes up regularly and can notice interruptions quick enough. Still I believe it is always good practice to handle InterruptedException explicitly according to your specific thread cancellation policy.

Péter Török

I'd say that there is something wrong with your design. Threads consuming off of a BlockingQueue should not need to be interrupted in such a manner. If they must do something else at a regular interval (such as check the state of a variable) whilst also consuming from the Queue then you should use the poll() method with a timeout set accordingly such that the two actions can be interleaved.

+6  A: 

Javadoc for the BlockingQueue suggests a good way:

A BlockingQueue does not intrinsically support any kind of "close" or "shutdown" operation to indicate that no more items will be added. The needs and usage of such features tend to be implementation-dependent. For example, a common tactic is for producers to insert special end-of-stream or poison objects, that are interpreted accordingly when taken by consumers.

Good idea: As porters in a big international airport, we used to place an empty white box on the conveyor belt to indicate to the porter on the receiving side that no more bags will come from that flight - that white box is just what you call poison.