Not with older Java version it has work. It has work with Java Applets. Here is a solution how you can enable the Java Cache also for JNLP. You need to call once JnlpResponseCache.init() in your code to enable it.
class JnlpResponseCache extends ResponseCache {
private final DownloadService service;
private JnlpResponseCache(){
try {
service = (DownloadService)ServiceManager.lookup("javax.jnlp.DownloadService");
} catch( UnavailableServiceException ex ) {
throw new NoClassDefFoundError( ex.toString() );
static void init(){
if( ResponseCache.getDefault() == null ){
ResponseCache.setDefault( new JnlpResponseCache() );
public CacheResponse get( URI uri, String rqstMethod, Map<String, List<String>> rqstHeaders ) throws IOException {
return null;
public CacheRequest put( URI uri, URLConnection conn ) throws IOException {
URL url = uri.toURL();
service.loadResource( url, null, service.getDefaultProgressWindow() );
return null;