



Hi all,

I am working on an intranet in Sharepoint online. I have added a custom css file and included it in the masterpage, after the default stylesheets. In the sourcecode I can see it clearly and I can follow the path to its intended file.

Earlier I had no problems to check it out, edit in Sharepoint designer, save it, then checking it in and changes would apply to the site.

But now the changes I make don't seem to catch. I have cleared cache on several browsers but still no change.

The masterpage and the custom startpage are both published. No files are left checked out.

I may be a sharepoint noob, I have searched any number of forums but not found anything pertinent to my problem.

Can anyone give me a pointer in the right direction please? :)

+1  A: 

Do you save the CSS file in a document library that uses versioning? Perhaps you forgot to publish the latest version of your changes, so browsers only see your previous version.

Panagiotis Kanavos
The file is in a folder in the style library, so no, don't think that uses versioning?
By default Style Library is using versioning. Try to visit the folder in the browser as admin and check if the drop down contains publish.
Per Jakobsen
  1. You are logged in as the Site Collection administrator?
  2. CTRL+F5 to get the latest .css from server?
  3. When you View Source you are able to see the link to your .css file?
  4. When you follow the link to the .css file and open the .css file, it has the recent changes you made?

I think you might have done this.. but make sure after publishing the .css file it is approved.

Press F12 to load IE Dev Toolbar to see what styles are being used in the elements in question. May be you have a small syntax error in the recent classes you added.

  • Thanks, Karthik.
Hi, and thanx for your reply. 1 - yes I am admin2 - yes I have refreshed my browser, cleared cache etc, in different browsers3 - yes the link to the css works4 - no, recent changes do not appear in the file I can browse to. What does approved mean in the circumstances? where do I do that? And how come, if I dont know that, changes I made in june worked just fine.thanx for your patience :)

In the end I made a copy of the css file, gave it a new name and referred to that instead, worked like a charm.

Thanks for your answers and comments all