I'm writing a Rails plugin and I'd like to be able to test a controller within the plugin:
describe ReportsController, :type => :controller do
it "shows paginated reports if the user is authorized" do
get 'index'
response.should render_template("index")
unfortunately this results in the following error:
NoMethodError in 'ReportsController index action shows paginated reports if the user is authorized'
undefined method `get' for #<Spec::Example::ExampleGroup::Subclass_1::Subclass_1:0x7f7155e042a0>
Rails env in plugin's spec_helper.rb is loaded:
ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] ||= File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../..'
require File.expand_path(File.join(ENV['RAILS_ROOT'], 'config/environment.rb'))
Any ideas?