I have a JFreeChart instance that displays process memory status, initialized as follows:
m_data = new TimeSeriesCollection();
TimeSeries vmsize = new TimeSeries("VMSize");
TimeSeries resident = new TimeSeries("Resisdent");
TimeSeries shared = new TimeSeries("Shared memory");
TimeSeries code = new TimeSeries("Code");
TimeSeries data = new TimeSeries("Data");
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("Memory usage", "Time", "Size", m_data, true, true, false);
m_chart = new ChartPanel(chart);
Later I add values to each TimeSeries in the TimeSeriesCollection. I would like to somehow know - when the user clicks on the Chart - either what time associated with that columm, or even better - what is the index of the value.
I looked at the JFreeChart and ChartMouseListener classes, but I could not figure out how to do that (also the documentation of JFreeChart is annoyingly scarce, I guess they are trying to get people to buy their developer's guide).