I have model Products with columns:
name, number, description
Index defined for this model looks like this:
define_index do
indexes :name, :sortable => true
indexes :number
indexes :description
where "amount > 0"
has :price
Since in description can be lots of random words I want to exclude it from searching sometimes (when user clicks chceckbox 'don't search in descriptions').
I went to the sphinx page and found following:
@(name, number) *pencil* *123*
And it seems like I don't understand how sphinx works. When I execute search
*pencil* *123*
word 'pencil' is found in name and '123' is found in number and I get 1 result. But when I execute
@(name, number) *pencil* *123*
no results are found.
Is searching by columns somehow different?