




Wondering whether it is advisable to develop web applications under the "Silverlight 4 Business Application" template or under the "ASP.NET MVC 2 web application" template.

In any case, what are the PROS and CONS?

Thank you.

+1  A: 

IMHO, I think a web application is better off being developed using MVC2. Silverlight has and is coming a long way, but to my knowledge, is largely still client-side (please correct me if wrong anyone). As such, I think MVC2 is a better platform because you're leveraging your web server to process all the work and not bogging down processes client-side. I liken this to why we do certain things server-side vs. in JQuery/Javascript. It's mostly because the server has the speed, capacity and ability to process the user experience in the best way possible.
MVC2 has come a long way since MVC1. I would definitely support use of MVC2 in any new ASP.NET web applications over webforms. There are trade-offs, especially if you cut your teeth on Webforms like I did :)
Overall, best bet for the future is MVC2 as we're still seeing a lot of advances in Silverlight, and not sure it's finished growing.

HTH, Sid

SidC, thanks for your answer. I just finished a siverlight 4 laboratory and it seemed I was doing the same things as a previous lab of MVC 2, the use of Windows Communication Foundation and WPF in SL4 was increased and the access to the server resources is getting easy.
That's great to hear. I'll give SL4 another look, especially with WCF functionality. Thanks:)