Hi, I have four hibernate classes: Trader, Legal, Party and Relation. Trader and Legal are types of party so extend it. A Trader can be related to a legal, a trader can be related to a trader and a legal to a legal. Both types can b the child or parent in the relationship. These relationhips are maintained in the Relation class. Both the Legal and Trader classes have a collection of Relation classes, and the Relation class has a parentParty and a childParty both of type party. What I want to do using the Criteria api is select a Trader and return all relations where the trader is the child and the parent is a Legal. I have tried using filters, but I can't see how these can be applied across join asociations. Also I have specified a sub criteria in my query that only looks for partyType=legal, but in all cases the collections always populated with all the parent parties of both types, which is not what I want. Any help would be appreciated.
1Hibernate criteria/filtering - only return elements in collection that are specified in the criteria
Yes, sure. The class names are slightly different from the original post but you'll see the relationships between them easily enough. So what I want to do is get a TradingCounterparty containing a set of PartyRelations where the ParentParty is of type LegalEntity only. I want to filter out any PartyRelations where the ParentParty is a TradingCounterparty.
It's the partyTypeCode in the Part class that flags the party type, so this is what I need to filter on.
@Table(name = "Party", schema = "dbo") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) public class Party {
private Integer partyId; private String partyTypeCode;
@Id @Column(name = "partyId") public Integer getPartyId() { return this.partyId; }
public void setPartyId(Integer partyId) { this.partyId = partyId; }
@Column(name = "partyTypeCode", insertable = false, updatable = false) public String getPartyTypeCode() { return this.partyTypeCode; }
public void setPartyTypeCode(String partyTypeCode) { this.partyTypeCode = partyTypeCode; } }
@Entity @Table(name = "TradingCounterparty", schema = "dbo") @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="partyId") @XStreamAlias("tradingCounterparty") public class TradingCounterparty extends Party{
private String name; @XStreamAlias("partyRelations") private Set partyRelations;
public String getName() { return this.name; }
public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "childParty") public Set getPartyRelations() { return partyRelations; }
public void setPartyRelations(Set partyRelations) { this.partyRelations = partyRelations; }
@Entity @Table(name = "LegalEntity", schema = "dbo") @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="partyId") @XStreamAlias("legalEntity") public class LegalEntity extends Party{
private String name;
private Set<PartyRelation> partyRelations;
public String getName() { return this.name; }
public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "parentParty") public Set getPartyRelations() { return partyRelations; }
public void setPartyRelations(Set partyRelations) { this.partyRelations = partyRelations; }
@Entity @Table(name = "PartyRelation", schema = "dbo") @XStreamAlias("partyRelation") public class PartyRelation {
private Integer partyRelationId; private PartyRelationType partyRelationType; @XStreamAlias("childParty") private Party childParty; @XStreamAlias("parentParty") private Party parentParty;
@Id @Column(name = "partyRelationId") public Integer getPartyRelationId() { return partyRelationId; }
public void setPartyRelationId(Integer partyRelationId) { this.partyRelationId = partyRelationId; }
@ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="partyRelationTypeCode") public PartyRelationType getPartyRelationType() { return partyRelationType; }
public void setPartyRelationType(PartyRelationType partyRelationType) { this.partyRelationType = partyRelationType; }
@ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="childPartyId") public Party getChildParty() { return childParty; }
public void setChildParty(Party childParty) { this.childParty = childParty; }
public Party getParentParty() {
return parentParty;
public void setParentParty(Party parentParty) {
this.parentParty = parentParty;
Thanks in advance.