have a problem with classic asp. The encoding gets wrong when I send data with XMLHttp.send. The response is an pdf file, but the “ÆØÅ” gets wrong, the “Ø” is read as “øy” for example. It’s like it’s a converting mistake from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1, but it should be ISO-8859-1 now. I have <%@CODEPAGE="28591"%> at the top at the page and ISO-8859-1 as encoding in the xml file, I have checked the file so it’s valid ISO-8859-1. I don’t have access to the server I send this data to, but I fixed it in a VB6 program which use the same logic with:
aPostBody = StrConv(strBody, vbFromUnicode)
WinHttpReq.SetTimeouts 100000, 100000, 100000, 1000000
WinHttpReq.Send aPostBody
And in a C# program that also uses the same logic with
// ISO-8859-1
byte[] bytes = Encoding.GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes(data);
But in asp classic I could need some help to find a way to change the encoding on a string to ISO-8859-1…thanks for help!