



How do we return a value from a stored procedure

here is my sp looks like:

create proc dbo.spInsertGroup
@ID uniqueidentifier
@GroupName varchar(100),
@IsActive bit

insert into tblGroup
values(@ID, @GroupName, @IsActive)



based on the return value i want to show the user some kind of feedback wether the save was successfull or failed.

public void AddInquiry(Inquiry inq)
   using (var transaction = new TransactionScope())
      using (MyDataContext dc = conn.GetContext())
         var results =  dc.spInquiry_Insert(......).ToList();


         var returnValue = (int)results.ReturnValue; 
         // note that ReturnValue is of type object and must be cast. 


Error 39 'System.Collections.Generic.List' does not contain a definition for 'ReturnValue' and no extension method 'ReturnValue' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


For a scalar value like the ID, I believe you just say "RETURN @ID"

For a rowset, I believe you select it, similar to your example, and Linq2Sql imports it as a IEnumerable<>.


Since you used SELECT, L2S created a List<T>. Since the value in the select was an integer, it was a List<int>, with only one element. To retrieve that, it's just results[0].

Or you could change the store proc to return @ID, and use:

var id =  dc.spInquiry_Insert(......);
James Curran
i have just udpated my question with error message
Abu Hamzah
i have a RETURN @ID in my sp, just updated but still throwing me an error which i posted above
Abu Hamzah


using (MyDataContext dc = conn.GetContext())
    var returnValue = (int)dc.spInsertGroup(.......).ReturnValue;

You are getting that error because you are calling the .ToList() so the var results is of type List<> that has no ReturnValue property.

If you can't see the ReturnValue property, maybe you need to update the method generated by LINQ

i dont see the ReturnValue
Abu Hamzah
what is the return type of the spInsertGroup method?edit: should be something like ISingleResult<spInsertGroupResult>
+1 ..............
Abu Hamzah

You cannot return any but an INT from a stored proc, however, you're trying to send out a GUID - that won't work. You need to rewrite your stored proc to something like:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spInsertGroup
    @GroupName varchar(100),
    @IsActive bit,
    @ID uniqueidentifier OUTPUT
AS .......

Then it's good enough to simply have the SET @ID = NEWID() in your stored proc - that works just fine.

Your C# code would now look something like:

using(YourDataContext ctx = new YourDataContext())
    Guid? newID = new Guid();
    bool? active = true;

    int retVal = ctx.spInsertGroup2("test", active, ref newID);

and newID will contain the new ID after the call.

i am not getting ToList() may be because in my SP i am returning Return @ID ?
Abu Hamzah
@marc: i update my sp and its returning.. Select @@IDENTITY AS ID should i still be using what you have showed above?
Abu Hamzah
If you have an IDENTITY field (which you happened to **not** mention in your post), you can retrieve that, yes - but I would recommend you use `SCOPE_IDENTITY()` instead of @@IDENTITY - see here: and a great many other posts (and questions here on SO) as to why.