




i'm trying to implement PageRank algorithm on Hadoop platform with Eclipse, but I'm facing some unusual problems :). I tried locally: installed cygwin, set up Hadoop 0.19.2 (and 0.18.0), started the necessary daemons and installed Eclipse 3.3.1. I uploaded testinf .txt file and then tried to run the WordCount example or even a simple .java and I got this output (for about 100 times :)) ):

10/07/22 22:10:23 INFO mapred.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1

10/07/22 22:10:23 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201007220415_0017

10/07/22 22:10:24 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 0% reduce 0%

Map and reduce are 0% all the time. I tried with Hadoop on virtual machine and I got the same situation.

I followed all the instructions from Hadoop page and other useful pages, but I didn't resolve my problem. Any suggestions? :)


Are you bent to-do this in Java? If not you can use a Ruby gem called WUKONG that has a pagerank example

Joe Stein