



Hi All,
I'm trying to get the internal status of all sharepoint workflows.

Is there anyway to programmatically query for all workflows, and get their status? Either through a CAML query or the the object model?

I realize that I can iterate over all items in sharepoint, and see if there is a workflow attached, and then get the status. However, that is overkill, as there are 100,000s of items, and only a small subset have workflows. I want to run a periodic report to fetch the status of all workflows, without bringing the server to it's knees.



Take a look at SPSite.WorkflowManager. This will let you examine workflow definitions and running instances across an entire site collection. The CountWorkflows method is probably what you want.



A view is, at its heart, a CAML query. The comment from @pst is a good choice if you don't want to iterate through all the items; just swipe the CAML from the view definition of any view that shows the workflow status column. The Lists.asmx Web service could come in handy here, though I usually use PowerShell on the server to extract view definitions.

If you do iterate through the items in the object model, here's a snippet to get rolling:

using (var site = new SPSite(url))
using (var web = site.OpenWeb())
    var manager = site.WorkflowManager;
    var list = web.Lists[listname];
    if (list == null || list.Hidden)
        return "Cannot work under these conditions.";

    foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items)
        foreach (SPWorkflow workflow in item.Workflows)
            if ((workflow.InternalState & SPWorkflowState.Faulting) == SPWorkflowState.Faulting)

            // ...