



I am trying to install the codecheck plugin for gVim, but to do so I must compile gVim with the plugin.

On apt, every apt-get source to a gVim package downloads the normal Vim source, so I guess compiling the GUI must be a configure option. However, I can install the plugin on Vim but I can't compile gVim (since when I make there appears no gVim executable).

Any help compiling gVim?

  1. apt-get build-dep vim to install the build dependencies for Vim.
  2. Read src/INSTALL, as explained in the README.txt in the top-level directory of the source, to see how to configure and compile it.
It'd sure be keen if Martin could just drop his patch somewhere in the `debian/` directory, modify a file somewhere to mention the patch, and just run `dpkg-buildpackage` to build a replacement package. But I haven't got a clue where to put a patch or what file to modify to include the patch during the build...
Even better would be to use a plugin, like, instead of trying to use an alpha quality patch to Vim's source.
+1  A: 

After you've got your dependencies installed and you can't find the gvim executable, then try vim -g from the terminal - that's the flag for starting in GUI mode. It's always worth a shot.

+2  A: 

I'm pretty sure you can just add --enable-gui=gtk2 when configureing. At least, that's how I remember doing it.

Bryan Ross
+1  A:

Here's a guide. Apparently gui is an option to vim, not an extra install.
