Hi all!
hmmm, i need to get how important is the word in entire document collection that is indexed in the lucene index. I need to extract some "representable words", lets say concepts that are common and can be representable to whole collection. Or collection "keywords". I did the fulltext indexing and the only field i am using are text contents, because titles of the documents are mostly not representable(numbers, codes etc....)
EDIT: I am reading the index which contains maybe 60 documents....
int numDocs = fReader.numDocs();
Term term = termEnum.term();
double df = fReader.docFreq(term);
TermDocs termDocs = indexReader.termDocs(term);
//HERE is what i mean when i say tfidf is per document,
double tf = termDocs.freq();
// Calculate tfidf.......
So, I will get tfidf of this term, but for every document that we loop through. And I do not need these results:
tfidf(term1, doc1);
tfidf(term1, doc2);
tfidf(term1, doc3);
...........and so on.
I need some measure of importance of this term in the collection. By intuition, it would be something like "if term "term1" had good tfidf in 5 documents then it is important"
But ofcourse, something smarter :)
Thank you!!!