I have to implement a class Doubly-Linked List, but that doesn't have an empty head or tail node. The code listed below is what I have so far. I have no idea how to continue... The actual question: Write a program that implements a class Doubly-Linked List, but that doesn't have an empty head or tail node. Also, include a test program that tests your DLL. It should test each of the methods in you class DLL.
class ListNode
Object element;
ListNode next;
ListNode prev;
public ListNode( Object anElement )
element = anElement;
next = null;
prev = null;
public ListNode( Object anElement, ListNode nextPtr, ListNode prevPtr)
element = anElement;
next = nextPtr;
prev = prevPtr;
} // end class ListNode
public class P4DLL
private ListNode head;
private ListNode tail;
private int size;
public P4DLL()
head = null;
tail = null;
size = 0;
public void addAtFirst( Object anElement )
//create a new node to be stored at the beginning of the list
ListNode newNode = new ListNode( anElement);
newNode.next = head;
head = newNode;
if(tail == null)
tail = head;
public void addAtLast( Object anElement )
//create a new node to be stored at the begginning of the list
ListNode newNode = new ListNode( anElement);
if(tail == null)
head = tail = newNode;
tail.next = newNode;
tail = tail.next;
public Object removeFirst( )
//the list has no elements to remove
if ( isEmpty( ) )
return null;
//get a ptr to the first data node
ListNode ptr = head.next;
//save the data in this node so it can be returned
Object data = head.next.element;
//link around this node
ptr.next.prev = ptr.prev;
ptr.prev.next = ptr.next;
//return the data in this node
return data;
public Object removeLast( )
//if the list has no elements there is nothing to return
if ( isEmpty( ) )
return null;
//get a ptr to the last data node
ListNode ptr = tail.prev;
//save the data in this node so it can be returned
Object data = tail.element;
//link around this node
ptr.next.prev = ptr.prev; // P4DLL.java:105
ptr.prev.next = ptr.next;
//return the data in this node
return data;
public Object getFirstElement( )
if ( size == 0 )
return null;
return head.next.element;
public Object getLastElement( )
if ( size == 0 )
return null;
return tail.prev.element;
public int getNumElements( )
return size;
public boolean isEmpty( )
return size == 0;
public void displayList( )
if ( isEmpty( ) )
System.out.println ( "The list is empty.\n" );
System.out.println ( this.toString( ) );
public String toString( )
String returnStr = "";
if ( ! isEmpty( ) )
ListNode ptr = head.next;
while ( ptr != tail )
returnStr += ptr.element.toString ();
returnStr += "\n";
ptr = ptr.next;
return returnStr;
// makes the list empty
public void clear( )
if ( ! isEmpty( ) )
head.next = tail;
tail.prev = head;
size = 0;
public static void main ( String[] args )
P4DLL list = new P4DLL( );
list.addAtFirst ( "Abe" );
list.addAtFirst ( "Beth");
list.addAtLast ( "Ed" );
list.displayList ();
System.out.println( "The number of elements in this list is "
+ list.getNumElements() );
System.out.println( "\nNow remove the last element and display.\n" );
list.removeLast(); // P4DLL.java:197
list.displayList ();
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at P4DLL.removeLast(P4DLL.java:105) at P4DLL.main(P4DLL.java:197)