I wrote the following method that receives a list and updates the database based on certain criteria:
public void UpdateInventoryGoods(List<InventoryGoods> list, int id)
int index = 0;
var query = from inventoryGoods in context.InventoryGoods
where inventoryGoods.ParentId == id
select inventoryGoods;
List<InventoryGoods> goodsList = query.ToList();
using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
foreach (InventoryGoods i in list)
foreach (InventoryGoods e in goodsList)
if (index == 30)
index = 0;
if (e.Gid == i.Gid && !getEventId(e.Id).HasValue && !e.ActionOn.HasValue)
e.Action = i.Action;
else if ((e.Gid == i.Gid && getEventId(e.Id).HasValue) && (e.Action != i.Action || i.ActionOn == DateTime.MinValue))
e.Action = i.Action;
e.ActionOn = null;
var allEvents = from invent in context.InventoryGoodsEvents
where invent.InventoryGood == e.Id
select invent;
List<InventoryGoodsEvents> inventoryGoodsEventsList = allEvents.ToList();
var events = from g in context.GoodsEvent
select g;
List<GoodsEvent> goodsEventList = events.ToList();
foreach (InventoryGoodsEvents goodsEvent in inventoryGoodsEventsList)
foreach (GoodsEvent ge in goodsEventList)
if (ge.Id == goodsEvent.EventId)
ge.IsDeleted = true;
ge.DeletedOn = DateTime.Now;
ge.DeletedBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
public int? getEventId(int InventoryGood)
var InventoryGoodsEvents = from i in context.InventoryGoodsEvents
where i.InventoryGood == InventoryGood
select i;
List<InventoryGoodsEvents> lst = InventoryGoodsEvents.ToList();
if (lst.Count() > 0)
return lst[0].EventId;
return null;
Though this method works well for about 500 or 1000 objects, it gets too slow or eventually times out when I feed it over 8000 objects or more. So, where could I improve its performance a little?