I have been Googling for the following warning when building a WAR, but can't find an explanation:
[WARNING] Could not retrieve the target file name of dependency [Dependency {groupId=org.company.xml.jaxbtypes, artifactId=iJaxbtypes, version=1.0.2-SNAPSHOT, type=jar}]
The dependency is resolved and everything works as expected, but WEB-INF/lib contains:
- iJaxbtypes-1.0.2-20100721.170712-1
If I don't run a clean, I now have:
- iJaxbtypes-1.0.2-20100721.170712-1
- iJaxbtypes-1.0.2-20100721.170712-6
Is this because it's a SNAPSHOT dependency? I've been using Maven for a couple of years now, but hadn't come across this one.