



I was just learning aboutt PHP namespaces and starting to create a simple autoload function. What O did was:

function __autoload($name) {
  echo $name . "<br />";
  require_once $name . ".php";

So, this works if I do not use any aliasing or importing statements eg. use MainNamespace\Subnamespace because if I did that, assuming i have:


if I try to do:

new GreatApp\Models\User();

it works because $name in autoload will become GreatApp\Models\User so GreatApp\Models\User.php is found. But when I do:

use GreatApp\Models;
new User();

it fails because now $name is just User and User.php will not be found. How should I setup autoloading then?


Try using:

if(file_exists('directory1/'.$name)) require_once('directory1/'.$name.'.php'));
elseif(file_exists('directory2/'.$name)) require_once('directory2/'.$name.'.php'));

This way you can use multiple directories in autoload.

While this technically solves the problem, it has the detriment of requiring hard coding for EVERY PACKAGE.
Christopher W. Allen-Poole
This provides a solution. I'm not saying it is a great one, but it solves the problem. Try posting a better solution then.And on the other hand, you can always scan all directories in the root class directory with a script and then look for them, this way you won't have to hard code anything.
+1  A: 

Full namespace path is always passed to the autoloader no matter how you import namespace and reference a class. It should work.

Just the __autoload function itself should belong to main (root) namespace

when i try `use GreatApp\Util; new Test\Test;` `$name` in `__autoload()` echos out `Test\Test` and the autoload fails with `require_once(Test\Test.php): failed to open stream`
Please read PHP docs on how namespaces work. When you try to reference a class using "Test\Test" it actually means you a referencing \current-namespace\Test\Test. current-namespace is the namespace of the file from where you are referencing. "use" does not change current namespace. It just imports another namespace to use from within current.

The best way is to name your Classes like:

class GreatApp_Models_User() {}

so you can set:

$user = new GreatApp_Models_User();

and autoload:

function __autoload( $name )
    $name = str_replace( '_', '\', $name );
    require_once( $name . ".php" );

not GreatApp_Models_User will change to GreatApp\Models\User.php, and this is found ;)

This is the way most MVC Frameworks are working... And me too :)

i know abt this, but assuming i want to use the 5.3 namespace support thats available?