



Sorry if this has been asked before, I did check but couldn't find anything...

Is there a function in Unix to encrypt and decrypt a password in a batch file so that I can pipe it into some other commands in a bash file?

I realise that doing this provides no real security, it is more to stop someone accidentally seeing the password if they are looking at the script over my shoulder :)

I'm running on Red Hat 5.3.

I have a script which does something similar to this: -u admin -p myPassword -c shutdown

and I would like to do something like this:

password = decrypt("fgsfkageaivgea", "aDecryptionKey") -u admin -p $password -c shutdown

This doesn't protect the password in any way, but does stop someone from accidentally seeing it over my shoulder.


You should be able to use crypt, mcrypt, or gpg to meet your needs. They all support a number of algorithms. crypt is a bit outdated though.

More info:

Lèse majesté
Sadly neither is available on my system (Red Hat 5.3 - sorry, I should've said)
Rich: do you have root access? If so, you should be able to install those packages, which ought to be available for all Linux distros.
Lèse majesté
+1  A: 

OpenSSL provides a passwd command that can encrypt but doesn't decrypt as it only does hashes. Many systems have a provide a base64 encoder and decoder. Yet another common option is to use a uuencoder or uudecoder. You could also download something like aesutil so you can use a capable and well-known symmetric encryption routine.

For example:

# use base64 encoding
MYENCPASS="cGFzc3dkCg==" # echo "passwd" | base64
MYPASS=`echo "$MYENCPASS" | base64 --decode`

# using aesutil
SALT=`mkrand 15` # mkrand generates a 15-character random passwd
MYENCPASS="i/b9pkcpQAPy7BzH2JlqHVoJc2mNTBM=" # `echo "passwd" | aes -e -b -B -p $SALT` 
MYPASS=`echo "$MYENCPASS" | aes -d -b -p $SALT`

# and usage -u admin -p $MYPASS -c shutdown
Kaleb Pederson
Thanks - base64 will do the trick for me
+1  A: 
  • indent it off the edge of your screen (assuming you don't use line wrapping and you have a consistant editor width)


  • store it in a separate file and read it in.