



Simple question, spurred on by the removal of the target attribute in HTML 4.0 Strict and XHTML 1.0 Strict.

+6  A: 

I personally don't think so, as web users become more savvy, they'll ask for a new window from the browser. It annoys me when a website does this a lot.

I think the question is sort of subjective. It could be good if you're launching a javascript game or something.

Here's Neil Turner's reasons not to do it.

Zachary Yates
Kind of ironic that the site of his article uses popup window ads.
Lasse V. Karlsen
Very much so! It's the little things that get you in the end =P
Zachary Yates
+3  A: 

On social content sites like Digg or reddit I prefer links to be opened in a new window/tab, as I am constantly going back to the original page to grab more links to look at.

That being said, I think that wherever you can you should allow a logged-in user to make the decision for themselves. I know Digg allows users to choose how they want links to behave.

Patrick Harrington
Good point, sites that add the choice as a user preference are cool.
Zachary Yates
+2  A: 

I think this is pretty subjective, so I'll just give my opinion as a user. I prefer if it's just the default behavior. If I want it in a new tab, I'll middle-click.

If you're going to open it in a new window, warn me like this [new window] or something.

Adam Jaskiewicz
+1  A: 

I do if it is an external link, other than that it is probably a bad idea.

Jeremy Reagan
+2  A: 

As a law, there is an exception to every law. Although in most cases simple links are best, sometimes links in a new window are just what is needed.

For example, I very much enjoy blogs and forums that open any external links in a new window, so I don't loose track of the original post I was reading.

Another good place to put them is when you click on a picture to get a larger version in an internet store or something.

You really have to evaluate this on a case-by-case basis, but my opinon is that in the end both are necessary for a good UI.


Yes, in web apps it sometimes makes sense to use a popup window when pulling up something ancillary that you need to look at without losing the content on the page.

For instance, I have used popups to display reports. In those cases (which are situational), users needed to look at the report and the screen at the same time, not navigate away to a reporting interface.

Brian MacKay
+1  A: 

The only time I force a new window is when the page I'm designing is ment to be used as a Web Part for a Sharepoint site.

I look at it this way, if you force a new window, you have taken choice away from the user. That's bad.

+1  A: 

With two exceptions, the answer must be a resounding "no".

Rationale: Yes, as others have already pointed out there are many cases where I prefer to have a link opened in another tab. But thanks, I'll make the determination of when and which myself. The basic tenet of the web is that the user is sitting with a user agent, a.k.a. web browser. The browser is in other words an agent on behalf of the user. If I'll want a particular link opened in another tab, I'll command-click (or ctrl-clik on another OS), and if I don't, then I'll click regularly. When a link on a web page opens the link in a new tab without my asking, it annoys me no end and breaks the predictability and familiarity of the web.

Exception 1: When clicking to see a large version of a picture or some other plain pop-up window. I see this as a separate topic.

Exception 2: Fully Ajaxy web applications, which seem to set aside most of the rules of the web anyway.
