



I am writing a paint program in Delphi. The user clicks 2 points on the screen and a line is drawn between them. I want the lines to be anti-aliased. I put this code in create() procedure of the OpenGL class (which is called just 1 time in the start):


When I start drawing, the first, second and maybe the third lines are drawn fine. But interestingly enough, when the number of the lines increases (say 7, 8 lines), the anti-aliasing starts to fail! By adding each line on the screen, it just gets worse and the lines edges starts to become like sawtooth!!

I also put the same code on the top of my draw() procedure which draws the lines (and runs by each click of the mouse), but nothing changes.

Am I doing something wrong here? Anybody has any suggestion?

+2  A: 

Check the value of GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE and compare it against the glLineWidth()s you're trying to use.

Good answer--I had assumed they were all the same width, but he didn't say that explicitly.
Drew Hall
Upon further re-reading I'm not sure where I got the idea either :(
Are you sure standard OpenGL has GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE as a constant? Because it doesn't recognize it in Delphi (using standard OpenGL.dll).BTW, I am using 3 in the glLineWidth() and I even checked with 1 and get the same problem.
Flom Enol
I added the screenshots in the comment above.
Flom Enol
+2  A: 

Are You sure You're not drawing any line segment more than once? Do You call glClear before doing any drawing?

Thanks for your great answer! It was exactly the problem. I was drawing each line more than once and that caused the effect.
Flom Enol